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The Craft Impact Story

How it all began...

Craft Impact was co-founded in 2012 by Stephen Beach and Traci McMillan Beach, in an effort to create a marketing and communications company that avoided the typical agency pitfalls.

In work with previous companies, both Stephen (sales rep) and Traci (journalist) became frustrated with how expensive and inefficient marketing agencies can be.

Instead, we had 2 things in mind: 

  1. A desire to make a measurable impact on the businesses we were working with
  2. We wanted to travel and work remotely (this was much easier to do before we had 3 kids)

So we did, and it was awesome. We challenged ourselves and expanded out of our former respective roles as a Bloomberg journalist and a technical sales rep, into consultants for marketing, communications and sales.

From 2012-2015, demand for our services grew, our clients referred us to other clients, and we decided we should probably build a website and print business cards. This is when things got serious (we morphed into a legitimate business)! 

Fast forward a decade. Craft Impact has developed into:

  • A growth agency offering strategic marketing and compelling communications
  • Consulting partners who are focused on creating and executing strategies that align with your business goals

Craft was born out of frustration. We were tired of marketing or communication agencies:

Charging crazy rates for every little change
We provide transparency about all rates and project costs upfront.
Restricting control of websites and design documents
We teach our clients how to make their own updates and provide them with all logins and source files.
Taking too long to respond or complete a project
We pride ourselves on consistent communication and responding to our clients ASAP.
Claiming success without the numbers or feedback to back it up
We use marketing analytics to track the success of each and every campaign. We show our work and talk through the results, to make sure you understand the impact of your marketing investment.
“Working on SEO” and “doing paid ads” without accountability for results 
We explain how SEO and paid ads can fit into an overall strategy that supports your business. These are tactics that could be in the mix, but they are not a silver bullet or quick fix. 

Meet the Craft Impact Team

We’re driven, curious, parents (of kids and dogs), quirky, ambitious, helpful, humble and grateful.

Ever heard of the “two beers and a puppy” test?

Long story short, the test evaluates how much you enjoy each other's company and trust one another. Spoiler alert—we’ve tested each other, and everyone passed the test. 

Tell me more…
The “two beers and a puppy” test was made famous by Ross McCammon in his book Works Well With Others.

Here’s how it works: Pick a person in your life — a friend, a coworker, whoever — and ask yourself two questions:

  1. Would I let this person watch my puppy?
  2. Would I want to have two beers with this person?

via Ross McCammon

As a team, we all agree we can say this about each other—which contributes to our awesome culture and how much fun we have together in-person and virtually.

Our Team

As individuals, we’re craft beer nerds, life-long learners, outdoor enthusiasts, dog lovers and world travelers. As a team, we’re selfless, empowering, motivated, goofy and down-to-earth.
Here’s a bit more about the team members who are excited to be trusted partners in growing your business. We take strategy and execution seriously, but promise we’ll have some fun along the way! 🤓

Traci Beach

Co-Founder & CEO, Communications
  • The Customer Experience & Change Champion
  • Hiker, mover and shaker
  • Eats chips and salsa for breakfast
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Stephen Beach

Co-Founder & CEO, Marketing & Sales
  • The Growth Hacker. Marketing with a sales background
  • God, family, Notre Dame, golf, cold brew, bourbon
  • Eats slower than everyone else, fan of goofy t-shirts and craft beer trucker hats
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Chief Barketing Officer
  • The OG Craft Impact dog (among many other company pooches)
  • Big fan of babies (or humans) who share food
  • Hates: UPS, Fedex, and USPS
  • Loves: sleeping on couches, cuddling 24/7
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Boston Cardinal

Financial Services Consultant
  • The MacGyver of Financial Advisor Transitions and Acquisitions, Platform Consulting
  • Top Chef Deephaven
  • A pretty good dad
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Mary Coughlin

Marketing & Communications Strategist
  • Mastermind of organizational change communications
  • Thinks wine & a beach read are the perfect pairing
  • Professional toddler wrangler
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Laura Fox

Marketing & Communications Strategist
  • Aficionado of all things communications
  • Knows every line in Forrest Gump
  • Snack time connesouir
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Kelsey Greene

Project Manager, Content Specialist
  • Word wizard and media magician adept at creating clarity amidst chaos
  • Dot connector and learning designer always thinking about user experience
  • Powered by sun, sweets, and sincere connection
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Mackenzie Hunt

Project Manager, Video Guru
  • The Swiss Army knife of inbound marketing
  • Asian food fangirl
  • Probably cuddling a dog right now
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Faustin Weber

Marketing & Communications Strategist
  • The Strategist obsessed with visual diagrams and flow-charts
  • Appreciates all things data
  • Most likely to lose his children hiking in the woods
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Carley Newman

Project Manager
  • President of the tiny detail committee
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner: charcuterie
  • Most likely to live off-grid in a cabin with a goat, garden and bees
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Jessica Alpha

Content Specialist
  • Creates compelling copy across multiple channels
  • A stickler for process improvement
  • Is the Mom of a slightly wild Kung Fu Family
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Hannah Wilson

Content Specialist
  • Devoted to creating. Crafts engaging copy and content.
  • Dr. Pepper’s #1 fan
  • Fueled by: Beach days, great music, and at least one sweet treat a day.
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Sara Romero

Executive Assistant
  • Organization guru with a knack for spreading positivity
  • Master juggler of spirited toddlers and tee times - the ultimate multitasker
  • Three loves: family, golf and wine
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Core Values

What Craft Impact stands for:

Self-driven hunger

Each individual on our team has self-driven hunger. We work toward our goals, and we don’t stop until we achieve them. It’s about getting things done, not putting in time. 



The only constant in life and business is change. It’s not enough for us to keep up with the industry, we are determined to flourish through constant growth in ideas, in our skill sets, and our company.



In all things. We want to live life to the fullest. We value flexibility in the workplace in order to achieve personal and professional goals. It’s about doing valuable work and feeling good about it at the end of the day.



We are nerds at heart. We love to learn new things and approach projects from different, strategic angles. 



We are helpers for our team, our clients and the broader community. We jump at the opportunity to facilitate change, boost momentum, and lend our expertise or a helping hand. Together we combine our strengths for the greater good, and are committed to a no-drama, no-politics environment.



We are authentic people. We are transparent, open, and honest—both internally and with our clients. We ask questions and we assume good intent in others.

Making an Impact in Our Communities

As a company and a team, we embrace our core value of Helpfulness in our work and personal lives. We value that every team member and each of our clients has unique passions, organizations and causes that are close to heart. We want to support these initiatives and help fuel positive change.

We started the Craft Impact Cares program in 2017 as a way to weave social impact into the core of our business model. We jump at the opportunity to facilitate change by lending a helping hand to our fellow team members, our clients, and the broader community. Together we combine our strengths for the greater good.

Employees are encouraged to take one fully paid day per quarter to volunteer for the charity or non-profit of their choosing. We strive to weave social impact into who we are, who we hire, and our culture. Below is a sampling of some ways we do this. If you have additional ideas of how we can make a bigger impact in our communities, please give us a shout!


Our Team's Impact


Gun Violence Prevention

In 2022, I started volunteering with a non-partisan group that works to end gun violence by advocating for safe storage of firearms and common sense legislation to keep our children and communities safer. I love that at Craft Impact we’re encouraged to support the causes we are passionate about and are given the time and space to do so. It’s a nice balance to be serving clients and our communities simultaneously.


I see giving back to the community as a valuable opportunity to gain new perspectives, share ideas, and connect with people. In working to make the world a better place, I’ve found that I’m able to grow as a person and even enrich my own life.

Craft Impact prioritizes giving back to the community – both as a team, and individually. Together with my colleagues, we’ve been able to contribute to cities where some of us live by volunteering our time soup kitchens and food pantries. Personally, I’m thankful that Craft has supported my passion for animals by giving me PTO to walk dogs at my local Humane Society. I’ve also been able to give back to my local parish and parochial school.


One of the key tenants of our company is being service-oriented. Although we are a remote team - we believe strongly in giving back to our individual communities and to our clients’ communities.

One of my favorite ways we do this is through a team sponsor of multiple families over the holidays. We shop together (even virtually) to provide families with the gifts they all deserve. We partner with the Spring of Tampa Bay, a domestic violence shelter based in Florida, to provide these gifts to survivors and children who are working to rebuild their lives.


Church volunteer

Giving back to my community is a way to say, “thank you” to a place that I love and call home. It’s about bringing life and vibrancy to communities by using your individual gifts to serve, encourage, and celebrate with the people who live there.

Working at Craft Impact gives me balance between work and life so I can serve my local church.


HOPE 5k for Brain Tumor Research

In 2011, my family lost my father to a malignant brain tumor called a glioblastoma. In honor of my dad, and in support of others who are currently battling this disease, we host an annual 5k in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks to support from the Craft Impact team, we've raised $601,000 over 11 years! 100% of proceeds from this 5K event goes directly to Dana Farber Cancer Institute to support Dr. David Reardon’s brain tumor research efforts. To learn more, visit:!


As a parent with small children, I've come to better appreciate all of the individuals and organizations that have shaped me throughout my life. Giving back and volunteering my time is one small way to demonstrate my gratitude for all that I have been given.

At Craft Impact, I am not only given the freedom to give back to the community, I am actively encouraged to do so. This has opened up so many doors for me in my local community. Whereas I would have said "no" and found reasons why I can't volunteer in the past, I've instead been able to say "yes," many times over. As a result, my life is more "whole," and I can better thrust myself wholeheartedly into our client service work on a day to day basis


Gun Violence Prevention

In 2022, I started volunteering with a non-partisan group that works to end gun violence by advocating for safe storage of firearms and common sense legislation to keep our children and communities safer. I love that at Craft Impact we’re encouraged to support the causes we are passionate about and are given the time and space to do so. It’s a nice balance to be serving clients and our communities simultaneously.


Church volunteer

Giving back to my community is a way to say, “thank you” to a place that I love and call home. It’s about bringing life and vibrancy to communities by using your individual gifts to serve, encourage, and celebrate with the people who live there.

Working at Craft Impact gives me balance between work and life so I can serve my local church.


I see giving back to the community as a valuable opportunity to gain new perspectives, share ideas, and connect with people. In working to make the world a better place, I’ve found that I’m able to grow as a person and even enrich my own life.

Craft Impact prioritizes giving back to the community – both as a team, and individually. Together with my colleagues, we’ve been able to contribute to cities where some of us live by volunteering our time soup kitchens and food pantries. Personally, I’m thankful that Craft has supported my passion for animals by giving me PTO to walk dogs at my local Humane Society. I’ve also been able to give back to my local parish and parochial school.


HOPE 5k for Brain Tumor Research

In 2011, my family lost my father to a malignant brain tumor called a glioblastoma. In honor of my dad, and in support of others who are currently battling this disease, we host an annual 5k in Dayton, Ohio. Thanks to support from the Craft Impact team, we've raised $601,000 over 11 years! 100% of proceeds from this 5K event goes directly to Dana Farber Cancer Institute to support Dr. David Reardon’s brain tumor research efforts. To learn more, visit:!


One of the key tenants of our company is being service-oriented. Although we are a remote team - we believe strongly in giving back to our individual communities and to our clients’ communities.

One of my favorite ways we do this is through a team sponsor of multiple families over the holidays. We shop together (even virtually) to provide families with the gifts they all deserve. We partner with the Spring of Tampa Bay, a domestic violence shelter based in Florida, to provide these gifts to survivors and children who are working to rebuild their lives.


As a parent with small children, I've come to better appreciate all of the individuals and organizations that have shaped me throughout my life. Giving back and volunteering my time is one small way to demonstrate my gratitude for all that I have been given.

At Craft Impact, I am not only given the freedom to give back to the community, I am actively encouraged to do so. This has opened up so many doors for me in my local community. Whereas I would have said "no" and found reasons why I can't volunteer in the past, I've instead been able to say "yes," many times over. As a result, my life is more "whole," and I can better thrust myself wholeheartedly into our client service work on a day to day basis

Charitable Giving

There’s no better gift than being able to spread joy. We do this through employee, partner and client gifts, as well as annual contributions. We know there are so many deserving organizations that are close to heart - so we ask our community who they would like us to give back to in their honor. Here are just a few of the organizations we’ve had the honor to support:

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